Childbirth in the Żelazna Medical Center - Centrum Medyczne Żelazna
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Childbirth in the Żelazna Medical Center

We would like to invite you to give birth in our Hospital. Let’s start by watching the film – A Tour of the Hospital.

Our offer:

  • Management of pregnancy, diagnostic tests (including 4D ultrasound), laboratory and prenatal tests at St. Sophia’s Specialist Hospital – contact: (22) 25 59 900.
  • Childbirth school preparing for childbirth and motherhood, yoga for pregnant women and other courses for parents-to-be – e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript., tel.: +48 668 308 855 or 22 25 59 818,,
  • Perinatology unit – treatment and hospitalisation for pregnancy-related complications.
  • Natural childbirth in the Labour and Delivery Suite – 7 single rooms with bathrooms and in the Hospital Birth Center – an intermediate form between hospital birth and home birth for women who dream of a non-medicalised, natural birth in an intimate, home-like setting. The Birth Centre has three birthing rooms – Paris, London and Rome.
  • Equipment in our rooms – bathtubs, sako bags, birthing stools, balls, ladders, birthing ropes, portable fetal heart rate monitors.
  • We use perineal protection.
  • Methods of relieving labour pain:
  • We offer non-pharmacological methods of labour pain relief, including: hot water baths, hot and cold compresses, massage, aromatherapy, TENS apparatus and pharmacological methods of pain relief – epidural analgesia or Entonox medical gas, which has a calming and anti-anxiety effect.
  • We offer the option of individual perinatal care by a midwife of your choice.
  • The presence of a companion at the birth is free of charge.
  • Caesarean section – qualification for a caesarean section takes place in our Hospital – telephone (22) 25 59 900. If a caesarean section is planned, it is possible for a companion (e.g. a family member/for a fee) to attend.
  • After birth, a healthy baby remains in skin-to-skin contact with the mother.
  • During childbirth it is possible to collect cord blood.
  • We perform newborn screening, including for SMA.

What to take to the hospital?

List for Mum, Baby and Dad.

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After the birth:

  • The mother stays with her baby in one of the three maternity units.
  • We offer lactation advice and consultation by a urogynaecological physiotherapist and a psychologist in the unit.
  • We also have family rooms with the possibility of staying with a loved one 24 hours a day (including overnight stays).
  • We have a Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the third (highest) reference level specialised in the treatment and care for the sickest newborns, including extremely immature newborns with extremely low birth weight.
  • Our patients have access to diets tailored to their nutritional needs (basic diet, vegetarian diet, vegan diet, diabetic diet, high protein diet, liver diet and any other diet recommended by the attending physician are provided).
  • You can rent a breast pump at our Clinic at ul. Nowolipie 25.


  • We perform procedures and surgeries via the vaginal and abdominal approach as well as laparoscopies and hysteroscopies.
    More information – +48 532 122 201 from 8:00 to 15:00, Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

St. Sophia’s Specialist Hospital

We offer:

  • diagnostic and laboratory tests
  • obstetric, gynaecological, paediatric and lactation consultations
  • rehabilitation for children and adults
  • vaccinations for children and adults


ul. Żelazna 90
ul. Nowolipie 25

Call center (22) 25 59 900.

We hold EN ISO 9001:2015-10 and EN ISO 37001:2017-05 certification as well as a Certificate of Accreditation from the Ministry of Health.

St. Sophia Clinic 

Gestation Management:

In the St. Sophia Clinic, you will stay healthy and safe while preparing for gestation, during gestation and in the event of gestation pathology. Our team of specialists with many years of experience provides comprehensive medical care, tailored to individual needs of patients.

Our range includes services in the preparation and management of physiological, twin and pathological pregnancies.

We provide:

Obstetric visits: fee-paying and refunded by the National Health Fund


  • ultrasound examinations (including 4D, gestation with PAPPA test, multiple gestation, first and second trimester, performed by FMF-certified doctors)
  • non-invasive prenatal tests: PAPPA, Vericity, VERAgene, PREEFMF, PREEK
  • a wide range of laboratory and diagnostic tests.

We also execute an adult vaccination recommended for pregnant women between 28 and 37 weeks of gestation - Boostrix.

National Health Fund Prenatal Testing Programme

Our patients may access the Prenatal Testing Programme under the contract with the National Health Fund.

What should I do to access the Prenatal Testing Programme under the National Health Fund?

  • Print out the referral (you will find it at the bottom of this page).
  • Request the doctor supervising your gestation to fill out a referral or issue the document authorizing you to participate in the Programme (the referral issued by the doctor must include: title: Referral to the prenatal testing programme, information about the development of gestation (gestation age in weeks) and information about indications to be included in the programme along with a description of the irregularities. Attach the test results to the referral confirming the validity of the referral to the programme).
  • Call 22 25 59 900 and arrange an examination.

The programme is designed to identify the risk of congenital defects. As part of the programme, we provide:

  • First trimester ultrasound examination (+ PAPPA test) - 11-13+6 weeks of gestation,
  • second trimester ultrasound examination - 18 - 23 weeks of gestation
  • biochemical tests
  • invasive foetal diagnostic procedures (amniocentesis)
  • geneticist consultations.
  • genetic tests, which include in particular:
  1. a) classic cytogenetic tests
  2. b) molecular cytogenetic tests
  3. c) DNA analysis in cases of micro-aberrations and monogenic diseases.

The National Health Fund's Prenatal Testing Programme is available for pregnant women who meet at least one criterion :

  • age: being over 35 years of age
  • structural chromosomal aberrations in the pregnant woman or father of the child
  • significantly higher risk of giving birth to a child affected by a monogenetic or multifactorial disease
  • chromosomal aberration in the foetus or child in a previous gestation
  • abnormal ultrasound and/or biochemical test result during gestation implying an increased risk of chromosomal aberration or congenital defect

Register by calling 22 25 59 900.

Files to download: Referral to the Prenatal Testing Programme.

Postpartum and Urogynecological Clinic

The Postpartum and Urogynecological Clinic deals with diagnostics in the true pelvis area.
In the Clinic you can:

  • take care of your pelvic floor muscles,
  • prepare for gestation and childbirth,
  • activate your pelvic floor muscles after giving birth.

We also help women who struggle with:

  • painful menstruation,
  • urinary incontinence,
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Our range of services includes:

  • Prevention and rehabilitation of the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Rehabilitation during gestation, postpartum and after gynaecological operations.
  • Caesarean section scar therapy.

Consultations are also held in English.

Register at the Registration Desk of the Clinic: 22 25 59 900.

Paediatric visits

At the paediatric clinic, we will take care of your child's health and development. We offer comprehensive medical care including:

  • consultations for healthy children
  • qualifications of healthy children for vaccination
  • child health reports, which serve to control the child's health, development and early detection of any developmental disorders, congenital defects and chronic diseases.

Each child's vaccination service during the visit is subject to an additional fee.

Lactation visits

During the visit, the midwife/doctor:

  • will talk to you about your child's current feeding and any relevant problems,
  • will ask about the course of childbirth, your and your baby's health, feeding of previous children,
  • will weigh and examine the child,
  • will correct the technique, clarify doubts, answer questions,
  • together with you, he/she will investigate the causes of problems and determine further action,

We also support pregnant women and parents expecting a child who want to prepare for natural feeding

Paediatric rehabilitation

In the clinic, we deal with the rehabilitation of infants and children up to 3 years of age. We provide assistance to children in the following areas:

  • positional asymmetry
  • muscle tension disorders
  • genetic syndromes (for instance Down syndrome)
  • torticollis
  • delayed psychomotor development
  • developmental problems of premature babies
  • care instructions for parents (how to carry a baby, changing diapers, playing).

The NDT-Bobath method is a form of physiotherapy that we use:

  • in premature babies
  • infants and children who have problems with muscle tone and positional asymmetry
  • children with neurological and genetic problems, neurodevelopmental delay.

Urinary incontinence and reproductive system disorders Clinic

At the clinic, we diagnose patients who experience:

  • difficulties in urinary retention - stress urinary incontinence, rest urinary incontinence, mixed forms of urinary incontinence
  • overactive bladder (neurogenic bladder)
  • difficulty emptying the bladder
  • lowering and prolapse of the reproductive organ

At the Urinary Incontinence and Reproductive Organ Disorders Clinic, we perform tests such as:


Przychodnia św. Zofii,

Ul. Żelaza 90, Warszawa

Registration Desk: 22 25 59 900

Price list

To download click here.


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